JH輪郭術 since2015
JH輪郭術はKpopアイドルスターたちが愛し、好んで受ける最新のグローバル輪郭術です。 特に顎関節、隆鼻手術など各種整形手術を受けて、肌が極めて敏感になっているお客様はJH輪郭術をすでに知っているほどです。 整形は今の時代、特別な状況ではないため、整形手術と施術を多く受ける現代のお客様のためにパーソナライズ型輪郭術が必要でした。
JH輪郭術の価値は、お客様にとっても最も重要な”時間”の価値です。 短くは3~5分で結果が出るので、セラピストがより質の高いサービスを提供できる時間を稼げるという点に注目してください。
テクノロジーは結果と時間の革命でなければなりません。 その歴史にマスターの皆さんが共にします。
Start from Now 2023
JH輪郭術のグローバル統合ブランドMiracle JHProは、ビューティーテクノロジーを迅速に実現する技術、またその技術を完成させる機能的化粧品、今後はデバイスまでビューティーテクノロジー統合ブランドとして誕生しました。
JH輪郭術は誰よりも早く確実にお客様の体型と形を変えて機能を正す作業であり、マスターにもお客様にも難しくなく直観的な結果を与えます。 私たちは長い間のパンデミックを経て、私たちの前に置かれた人生がどれほど大切かを知りました。
美容的に形を変える作業はJH輪郭術技術の核心力量であるため、Osteobeauty Technologyと命名し、全国のマスターと共にオステオビューティー協会を創立します。
GOTA(Global Osteobeauty Technology Assocation)は消費者に確固たる価値を知らせる共同マーケティングとともに「Osteobeauty Technlogy School」を運営しています。
Osteobeauty is a trademark, inspired by Osteopathy(Nonmedical,alternative medicine area).
We start with this territory of new idea, Osteobeauty due to the fact that the JH Contouring Master actively comprehends
the structure and has the value of perceiving and performing therapy, structurally changing human body
with one’s hands on the premise that shape determines (and / or dictates) function.
The Osteobeaty (related) techniques, ‘absolutely nonmedical’ and ‘most appropriate’ for beauty, keep the standard of their merits by means of the high standard education from their developer and director of Comonde Academy, Jung hyun Park, as well as a number of consultants. Of course, it will be carried out through the Osteobeauty School, belonging to GOTA.
It completely excludes similar medical practices that use excessive pressure and touch and also medical equipment, etc., and it ultimately induces a clean environment of cells by maintaining Fascia, a complex tissue of lymph nerve blood vessels, in optimal condition with a concise and minimal touch.
Osteobeauty, therefore, does not represent the idea of merely a simple healing or skincare body care; on the contrary, based upon the theory, the Osteobeauty rather sublimated the heart of technology that can immediately and safely improve its – internal – function into the simplest protocol.
A JH Contouring Master, with a completion of training, gets acknowledged to be a member of Osteobeauty Technology Association.
Theoretical Background
Redefinition of Contouring, Global Standard Contouring Technology
Contouring means a shape. The shape is made of muscle, fascial and fat, and normal body shape is reflected by well-positioned and portioned muscle and fat. The cause for this shape is spine, and it should be set up for head and pelvis to adapt well to gravitational stress, centering around the spine.
Contouring is an integrated idea that includes not only making a customer straighten one’s posture by oneself and allowing lymph nerve vessels to drive and penetrate correctly, but also coaching the customer to shape, maintain and modify one’s posture on one’s own, all through fewer but effective touch.
Those, who coach a customer life style – how to be healthy -, so that one is able to protect one’s body from gravitational stress by oneself and make that coaching – therapy - to immediately be realized in reality – and / or before (our) eyes -, can indeed be called Contouring Masters and also Osteobeauty Masters.
JH Contouring since 2015
The JH Contouring (or Shaping), which began its clinical trials
for those valuable customers in 2015,
had been born of a personal experience of self-massage
from director, Jung hyun Park,
its subsequent developer as well as author of
[Miracle of Lymph](Eye of Ra publishing),
during her writing – her very own - [Miracle of Lymph].
To simply put, her eyes got clear, her forehead got unwrinkled.
Fast forward to now, in 2023, Face & Body Shaping (aka 260 whirlwind), which has been undergoing at least 10 clinical trials a day at our head shop as well as directly managed Spa in addition to thousands of daily clinical trials by each master at 100 Spa, now is considered ‘youth specialized’ beauty technology. It is by far the newest and hottest contour related technology, now attracting large numbers of customers on a national scale and continuing its extraordinary clinical trials at about 100 Spas nationwide
JH Contouring is the latest global one, embraced by the K-Pop Idols. Those, not only having extremely sensitive skin, but also undergoing diverse plastic surgery, including temporomandibular – jaw concerned - joint and rhinoplasty – the clinical term for cosmetic nose surgery -, have especially been paying attention to this newest beauty technology. As having the plastic surgery is no longer unusual, modern customers with the surgery and all kinds of procedures need to be treated more delicately and professionally. In other words, necessity for a highly customized service has met its champion. The JH Contouring has arrived to care for this ‘today’s beauty customers.’
It genuinely fits (and / or places) itself as modern beauty technology.
The essence of JH Shaping, above all, concerns ‘Time.’
The time is the most important value for human beings, that is to say, all of our valuable customers.
To go further, it is a single important value for all customers.
This beautiful technology brings you faithful results in just about 3 to 5 minutes.
This factor, more than any aspects of beauty concerned works, leads a therapist into saving one’s time – at first, literally a physical sense,
but ultimately, in terms of one’s ability to ‘truly’ serve -, that is to say, the therapist essentially gains a true sense of possibility to serve one’s customers
much higher quality therapy.
Now, please, pay attention to this particular perspective regarding the JH Contouring.
“Only One Care Must Present a Total Satisfaction to a Customer.”
The above statement comes from the developer’s mind and heart. It is Ms. Jung hyun Park’s belief and philosophy.
The JH Contouring has this essence within.
This philosophy, more than anything, should meet the eyes of customers. It must be realized in reality.
True therapy must carry its depth and weight in a single session.
The skin and myofascial produce collagen and anti-aging (effect) by just a touch.
The touch itself, specifically, touching the lymph and myofascial only by hands, should bring a bright result.
And if so, that is precisely an act of well aging.
More, that is a true sense of sincerity, which the Spa aims to achieve with its desire to socially be responsible.
Here is a question.
‘If an hour is given to you, what therapy service would you create with and within that crucial hour?’
Wish you firmly stay with a soul with both innovative and valuable technology.
The technology has to own a great sense of satisfying result. Furthermore, it needs to be a true sense of revolution in the case of ‘time,’ that is to say, life itself.
Now, dear masters.
This history needs you. It invites, welcomes and demands you. You will all be together in this, most of all, creative journey
Start from Now, 2023
In essence, Miracle JHPro, JH's global integrated brand, has been createdas an integrated brand of beauty technology.
Now, it has consistently been developing its character and strength, quickly implementing the beauty related technology,
then maturely fulfilling it to eventually provide functional cosmetics and finally, its thoughtful device.
JH Contouring with its customized
service transformsvarious body types and shaping
from our valuable customers rapidly and surely.
It certainly helps the customers realize
their total beauty recovery.
Both for Masters and Customers,
it is not complicated and above all,
presents an intuitive showing.
Perhaps thanks to the pandemic, paradoxically speaking,
we as human beings have realized how precious our lives are.
The – exceptional - world that provides a deep sense of happiness both for the masters and customers is called ‘Beauty & Health’ field.
Aim High
目標はより高く、そして遠くに見据えよう必ずしも最高である必要はない 唯一であれ
1998年からフランスのプロフェッショナルブランドであるシモンマーレを輸入し、専門ビューティーサロン·フランチャイズで始まり、2003年に創立したエステ教育および創業・開業の専門法人だ。 核心ブランドである共に生きる世界コモンドアカデミーと共に産業人力公団認証グローバル教育および就職支援事業を運営し、人材養成専門、創業専門教育でトレンドを主導し、大韓民国エステティックスパの歴史として位置づけられる。
2023からはMiracle JHproの始まりとともに世界へその舞台を広げ、Osteobeauty school運営で大韓民国のどこでも体験できるよう拡張し、圧倒的な技術力と商品でより高く、より遠く唯一のブランドへと発展するだろう。
絶対的で非医療的でビューティーに最適化されたオステオビューティー技術は、GOTA傘下の” オステオビューティースクール” を通じて開発者であるコモンドアカデミーのパク·ジョンヒョン院長と多数の諮問委員のレベル高い教育でその技術のスタンダードを維持する。 過度な圧力とタッチ、医療装備などを使用する類似医療行為を徹底的に排除し、簡潔で最小限のタッチで、ただ手だけでリンパ神経血管の複合組織であるFascia(筋膜)を最適な状態に維持して究極的に細胞のクリーン環境を誘導する。
輪郭とは形をいう。 形は筋肉と筋膜、脂肪がつくるものだが、脂肪と筋肉があるべきところに適度にあるのが正常な体型だ。 その体型を成す根源は脊椎であり、脊椎を中心に頭と骨盤が重力ストレスによく適応できるようにセッティングされなければならない。
”Miracle desire kit”は、韓国の最新酵技術を使用して作られた特別な化粧品です。顔専用の特許取得済みのカッサテクニックと組み合わせると、驚くほどのリフトアップ効果があります。すべての女性に朝のルーティンとしてお勧めします
I say,
“When it comes to beauty especially, ‘what is essential is visible to the eyes, also.’”
When I say this, I’m sure the Little Prince - from [The Little Prince]
– understands where I’m coming from.
I mean what I say. Conversely, I say what I mean.
JH Shaping, as you know, has started its related education in abroad first. First, this proves it is a brand, indeed possessing global value. In addition, it has absolutely proved that this particular brand can promote the power of K-Beauty as well as K- Spa around the world.
The shape change in cosmetic perspective is a central work in the case of JH Shaping.
It is the heart of JH Shaping Technology.
Thus, it does deserve a new name. And that is Osteobeauty Technology. With you all, the masters nationwide, we proudly establish the Osteobeauty Association.
GOTA(Global Osteobeauty Technology Association) runs “Osteobeauty Technology School,” together with co marketing, resolutely informing customers of its value.
Armed with the most up-to-date theories and trends, our fearless, mighty masters provide various education – training – and information, based on a great degree of consideration in terms of unique circumstance for professional entrepreneurs, including technology, theory and marketing.
パク・ジョンヒョン「革新的な技術から哲学まで」 connected dots
- エステティック&スパビューティーバイブル
- パクジョンヒョンのビューティーバイブル
- リンパの奇跡
- ビューティーマーケティング、人文学でしろ
- 美を欲望しろ(ラエヌン(eye of ra)出版)
대표 : 박정현
사업자등록번호 : 214-87-39027
협회번호 314-82-92574
서울특별시 서초구 사평대로22길 24
TEL. 02-581-1273 / FAX. 02-581-1278
© 2023 OSTEOBEAUTY. All Rights Reserved.
대표 : 박정현
사업자등록번호 : 214-87-39027 / 협회번호 314-82-92574
서울 서초구 사평대로22길 24 (주)누벨에스테틱시스템
TEL. 02-581-1273 / FAX. 02-581-1278
e-MAIL. official@osteobeauty.co.kr